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Photo Credit Don't tell anyone... this was really me. ;) |
Instance #1- Since I was a little girl, whenever I have my hair cut the hairdresser has 99% of the time commented on how thick my hair is.
Instance #2- My brothers would play a game with me in Sacrament Meeting where I would sit between them and they would proceed to yank out my arm hair. The object of their game? To see who could get the biggest chunk of hair. My objective- not to scream bloody murder.
Instance #3- A little leg hair growing contest between me and a so-called "friend" in high school. Let's just say I lost a boyfriend due to the results. Yep, I had a forest on my leg, and the so-called friend had my boyfriend.
See? I am not follicular challenged in any way possible. In fact, couple the 3 above instances with the length of the hair on my head and I, am a plumbers nightmare. That is why I want to introduce you to this little gem-
I know it's one of those "Sold On TV" products and you're thinking, "Yeah right. Those things never work like they say they do." But I'm here to tell you this one does! It really, really does.
Our drains never drained like drains are supposed to drain ever since we moved into this home. I've plungered and dumped massive amounts of Liquid Plumber (and money) down the drain to no avail. Then one day, I was in Wal-Mart with my boys looking at Pokemon cards that happened to be displayed by all of these "Sold On TV" products, and there was the Turbo Snake, screaming at me to buy it and beat those stubborn drains once and for all! And only for the mere price of $9.99. I figured that was the same cost of another bottle of Drano, so what-the-heck, I'd be out the money any way.
At first, I didn't think the little plastic coated wire with a simple piece of Velcro on the end was going to do anything, but I stuck it down the drain anyway. I wiggled it around, stuck it in a little farther, and then pulled it up and out....with what seemed like the continent of Australia on the end! I won't gross you out with the gory details (Too late? Sorry.), but I will tell you to wear gloves and a mask, especially, if you have a weak gag reflex- you would not believe the goodies lurking down your drain!
So there you have it, a $9.99 re-usable miracle cure for clogged drains! If you haven't picked up your Mom a Mother's Day gift yet, this little treasure may just be your last minute saving grace. I am sure she'll love it, after all, this Sasquatch of a mom did.
oh. my. heck.
u r hil-flipping-arious. natalie. what ARE we going to do with u???????!!
And here I thought it was because we've just been catching glimpses of you lately...
Okay, You've sold me. With my long locks of long ago.. my drains have been... ummm.... let's just say, my shower needs help.
Silly as it may have seemed writing this post, I'm grateful to you because I was getting ready to call a plumber. Seriously!
I have a problem that my husband dislikes, it goes right along with your post. Every time I wash my hair I feel like I loose 500 hairs. I just hope my hair grows as quickly as I loose hair or I will end up bald.
We have an actual plumber's snake that G uses from time to time on the shower upstairs. Then it lies around on the floor for a while until he can put it away, and once, he stuck it with the medicines and shampoo UNDER THE SINK IN THE CABINET (excuse me while I get that back down my throat). Those snakes are useful. And Chastina - you DO lose about 500 pounds every time you shower, so there. But if anybody gives me this for Mother's Day or anything else, I'll use it on THEM.
Misty, Donations for laser hair removal are always appreciated.
Anony, I was thinking the same thing about you... I still have the Cheesecake Factory on my brain and I promise I will keep my hair out of your cheesecake.
Rachel, If you want to try mine before you buy your own, you are welcome to. Let me know.
Chastina, Richard says that between all of my hair he finds on his clothes and what goes down the drain I should be bald. I tell him, I am a freak of nature.
K, We had one for the toilet that I found under my bathroom sink one day! Yeah, it was promptly sent back out to the nether regions of the garage- I don't care if it was in a bag or not!
Oh, boy do I need me one of these. WalMart, here I come!!
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