Something interrupted me in a deep sleep. Being a creature of habit, I glance at the clock- 1:42 a.m. A dark figure in the doorway poses me the question, "What now?"
Normally, dark shadowy figures standing in my doorway in the wee hours of the morning would have given me heart failure, but this figure didn't have the voice of a crazed maniacal serial killer, just the endearing voice of my 12 year old.
My mind considered his question, "What now?" and honestly, since it was almost 2 a.m. I thought, "How about going back to bed?" Instead, I think, I answered, "About what?"
"The rocket!" came the reply.
"The rocket..."
"It looked like a light bulb."
My head was reeling. Was it my half awake state or the cold medicine I had taken before bed that made this conversation so hard to follow and even harder to comprehend? I didn't get a chance to figure it out before the conversation continued.
"The rocket looked like a light bulb?" I had to ask.
"Yeah, and there's only one left."
I just sat there thankful the room was dark so he wouldn't see the confusion written all over my face. He jumped up on the bed and sat down, "So....what should I do?"
In my stupor I figured he was talking about either: 1- NASA's rockets or 2- His homemade rocket which consists of a film canister and Easter egg half glued on top and fueled by baking soda & vinegar, so I asked him point blank, "Are you talking about the government's rocket or your own?"
The irritated answer came as, "The government's!"
"Well, honey, if they are the government's rockets there's not much you can do."
He was quiet. My mind was trying to process everything in the ensuing silence and that is when it dawned on me...he was sleep walking and talking. He was taking after my side of the family!
I got him settled and back to sleep, but in the morning he could remember the last part of our bizarre conversation, so the questions began and the stories were told.
Stories that included those of my brothers mistakenly using the hamper as the toilet, how I got the scar on the right side of my forehead, and Richard threw in a few of the crazy things I used to tell him in my sleep as a newlywed. And of course, we had to tell the story to top all sleepwalking stories, about the night my brother, Nate, left the house, walked across our busy intersection to a friends home where he was dreaming he was to tell my other brother it was time to come home. Luckily, he woke up before he rang the doorbell. But the best part of the story? He did it all in his Yoda pajamas and bare feet.
So although, Ashton may have gotten Richard's eyes, sensitive demeanor, and intellect, I'm happy to know he got the fun DNA from me. I will sleep better at night knowing I have passed on something worth while. Well, after last night's little episode maybe that's not true, but at least, I'll have the laughs they produce to keep me comfortable while I'm awake.
Happy March!!
2 days ago
HA! My brother Bryce use to sleep walk. Once he went across the street to Holyoaks at like 4am and asked Sheila for his Pillow.
Reading that just made me all kinds of happy. I'll have to tell you about the things Allen's brother did while sleepwalking!
I was wondering if one of your kids would sleep walk after hearing the fun stories about your brothers.
And now he has a fun story to tell his future wife and kids. :D
I loved this post of yours, it made me smile!
Dang it! How come all the fun stuff happens at your house and all I'm left with is dog poo and puke to wake me in the wee hours....
Better let his scoutmaster know for future campouts! :D
funny! sleep walking runs in both our families, so our kids are doomed. some how christopher made it out ok...unless he starts when he's 12?
Man...the stories you have with that mancub!
Oh, my HEART!! That's happened in our house a couple of times. Kids waking up sitting at the dining room table alone in the wee hours. Talking - saying weird stuff. And my brother - who didn't use the hamper, but the wastebasket in his room, the storage room under the eves and the bathtub. Now you're REALLY going to have to make sure those doors are locked at night.
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