Sunday, August 29, 2010

Parental Advisory

The other day Emma was climbing down the stairs using the banister overlooking the dining room. As her little feet went between each baluster her little head bobbed up and down above and under the handrail. At one point she propped her chin on the handrail and with huge excited eyes called to me to take in the 'dangerous' stunt she was pulling. I replied with the motherly, "Wow look at you!"  and "Be careful because that's pretty scary." 

When she reached the bottom she ran over to me and with a very serious know-it-all look told me, "Now mom, don't ever try that at's only for little kids to do."


Chastina said...

To cute! I hope you don't try that, it looks really dangerous. ;D

Anonymous said...

You are probably brave enough though...

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

Oh, how very right she is. You are being careful, right Natalie? What were to happen if you were to slip and your foot were to get stuck in the railings?!! Emma is so very wise.

K said...

See what you learn when you read blogs?

Rachel said...

It's true!!! I tried it, and we now have a gaping hole where once there was not in our railing.

True story! Well, the gaping hole part..... ;)

Ty n Casey's Mom said...

She's a doll!

Carrilyne said...

I am so glad our kids watch TV so they can teach us things like that! lol!