Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Constructively Destructive

He came home with it. That creative little glint in his eye that told me he had plans. I'm always interested to see what forms from that glint. The other day while I was busy with scouts he disappeared into the garage and built a protective covering for his tortoise's newly inherited outdoor habitat using hammers, saws, wire cutters, and a staple gun- all by himself. I was most impressed.

He busily got to work with clay, toothpicks, paint, fishing twine and cardboard and upon entering the kitchen to find a bunch of little clay balls of varying sizes, I discovered the making of a universe right in my very own kitchen. Now on any other day having the solar system formed on my kitchen island would have been thrilling, but as I had been fighting a headache since early afternoon thrilling was a little too much to handle.

By evening the ache in my head would not relent. Despite 2 doses of meds and resting in a dark room it continued to build until nausea became my newest worry. So just when each planet was getting its very own personalized paint job I lost my dinner, decided to throw in the towel, and just go to bed...leaving my 4 munchkins in the hands of a boy who was lost in the creation of the heavens- literally.

I woke up a 5 a.m. feeling grateful I hadn't decapitated myself the night before like I had been tempted to and got up to see where the other 2 who hadn't ended up in bed with me had landed. As I opened my bedroom door I realized my house was lit up like a Christmas tree. As I walked around turning off lights I found that every light was on in my house except three. Not to mention the 2 televisions blaring in deafening decibels. Wow, I bet the power company loves us.

I had been given a glimpse of the completed solar system through squinty eyes in the dark of my bedroom the night before, so yeah, I had no idea what it really looked like. So I headed downstairs to the kitchen to get a better look at the finished product. This is what greeted me...

Suddenly, I felt my headache returning and I turned around, went up the stairs, and back to bed.
Just this once, the universe was going to have to wait for me.


Gerb said...

That is a pretty amazing little creation - and a pretty amazing (not so little) mess to go with it.

I hope the headaches subside soon.

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

Lol! Oh, Natalie. I see your conflict. On the one hand, there's this amazing creative artist in your family. Let's not worry about the other hand; it feels too close to home.

Huffstuff said...

Wow! I don't know if I'm more impressed with his creation or the fact that you survived with the headache. Hope your doing better.

Chastina said...

Oh man do I feel for you! I hope that headache goes away for good.

Now if only he can find a creative way to clean up. :D

mistyc0x said...

oh you poor thing. amazing how everything falls apart like that. kids! boys!

Anonymous said...

BRILLIANT…simply brilliant.

You gotta love that kid...

Anonymous said...

BRILLIANT…simply brilliant.

You gotta love that kid...

K said...

It happens. My first migraine - Gin had to run the family for me and she was only nine. But she did it. And G came home in time to make sure the house didn't burn down or the kids starve. Gin made the dinner. And called the priesthood when I became alarmed over a loss of vocabulary and face-recognition. But they come through - nobody dies and the universe turns out to have been in pretty good hands.

Unknown said...

Hilarious. Not the migraine--been there, done that--but that complete and utter destruction. Of course, my house tends to resemble that fairly frequently, headache or no.