Monday, June 27, 2011


I heard the keys in the door shortly after 8:00 a.m. I ran down the stairs and threw the bolt back. There, after spending a week in a typhoon and tropical storm ravaged Philippines, stood Richard- exhausted, jet lagged, and wanting nothing more than to go to bed. But there were the little people. Little people who had a week full of adventures to fill daddy in on. Little people who talk a mile-a-minute and crawl all over daddy like a jungle gym. Little people simply bursting with excitement that daddy is home.

I think it wore them both out.

I'm so glad when Daddy comes home
Glad as I can be
Clap my hands and shout for joy
And climb upon his knee.
Put my arms around his neck,
hug him tight like this.
Pat his cheek and give him what?
A great big... NAP!


Tami Anderson said...

Natalie!! You just scared the crap out of me. (Can I say "crap" on here?) I thought your title said "Homeschooling" and I started to feel sorry for me that I might not get Ben this coming year.


Anonymous said...

Glad he's you have someone to sic the kids on when they're a bit too much.

Glad you posted again, btw.

K said...

was he in danger? Oh - tami - I wish she HAD titled it homeschooling! Not to take anything away from you, but . . .

that shot of the two of them sleeping -

adorable doesn't begin to say it -

(today, i eschew capitals. that's how wild i am)