Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I've still got it

The human body has always fascinated me. In school I was able to visit several cadaver labs which some might find disturbing or gross, but for me it was absolutely enthralling. The way everything fits and works together so perfectly, like the contours of a bone where a specific fossa allows a muscle to lay in perfect alignment to allow for movement to all the amazing organs working in synchronization to sustain and give life, it is in a word- incredible. We are truly 'miracles wrapped up in chemicals'- Wonderful, Gary Go.

These amazing bodies we've been given, I have found, also seem to be made for certain activities. The tall and slender build may lean towards ballet, the more athletic to soccer or football. Now, I am not saying that we are in any way limited by our stature; that would be quite prosaic of me; I may love to run, but the lean grace of a long distance runner is not something I possess. The short, squatty types such as I am, were made for a different type of activity; something I was once very good at. Tumbling.

Now this is when my blog becomes a brag. I'm sorry. But after having 4 children and being almost exactly 2 months shy of my 33rd birthday I feel pretty good that I can still do this. I haven't tried to do it since having my last baby 2 years ago, but I was out playing in the back yard with Ashton today and decided to try.


FYI- Just in case you were wondering...nothing "snapped". Thank you very much, vocal camera boy.


Chastina said...

LOL. That camera boy makes me laugh! I'm going to come back and listen to him when I need a smile on my face.

You are fantastic! I'd love to be able to do that.

P.S. Thanks for the comment on my last post.

PMC said...

My HECK!!! You are AWESOME!!! :)

Diana said...

Sheesh, I was NEVER able to do that, not even BEFORE having kids! I'm VERY impressed that you can still do this! Way to go!

Richard & Natalie said...

Posting for my mom who is being technically challenged today.

That's my "Paper Girl!" The people on your paper route used to tell me how much they enjoyed seeing you set your bag of papers down, then go "flipping" across their lawns! With that and how BUSY you always were, even jumping in your crib, so your brothers and dad nicknamed you, "Natalie Jeanne, the Jumping Bean!" Just be careful - and don't SNAP anything! Thanks to Ashton for the great video and his COMMENTS! and his flips on the trampoline. Love you, Mom Jeanne

Gerb said...

You GO, girl! I can't even run for 5 minutes straight without stopping (yet). You're AMAZING!

Alisa said...

HOLY SCHMOLY, GIRL! You've still got it!!!! That was awesome and so was Ashton's (was that Ashton?) play by play. Thanks for sharing. I wish I could do that, but my body was geared for dancing...and nothing (not even 40 years of age) can stop my toes from tappin' when a good song comes on.

Rob and Marseille said...

and I give you a round of applause! (clap clap clap clap clap clap)

Richard & Natalie said...

All my blogger friends & mom- Thank You for the warm fuzzies. I woke up in the middle of the night that I posted this and I almost deleted it. You all have made me glad I didn't.

K said...

Fresh little camera man!!! I've never been able to do that stuff. I think I maybe could have, assuming my back end wouldn't have thrown off the physics with its ponderous weight. I think fear held me back. Now - I'm old enough I don't have to care whether I can do it or not. HA.

And you are short and squatty? ExCUSE me??????

You know what fascinates me most about the body? Messenger RNA and ribosomes. TELL me the systems were not deliberately and elegantly designed.

Crabtree Family said...


I love it!! It has been a while since I tried. Maybe 3 years, but now I need to see if I can still do it!!:)