Saturday, December 4, 2010

Helping Hands

Indulge me, please? This picture has nothing to do with the post, except, that it is of Emma. I just thought it was sweet. Being her mom, I think that is my right.

I was headed for the bathroom when Dallin flew past me beating me to it and slamming the door in my face.

"Hey! I was going in there."
"I have to go!" he replied.
"Well, I do too!"
"Well, I have to go....BAD!"
I sighed, "I guess it looks like I'll just have to hold it." 

I turned around and bent over to pick up some dirty socks that had been discarded on the floor when my behind was accosted by little hands trying to wedge their way where no little hands should be.

Not used to being fondled this way, I immediately stood up exclaiming, "What on earth are you doing!?" 

As those words left my mouth, one little hand traveled around from the back to wedge its way in from the front! And that is when I was met with the cherubic face and questioning brown eyes of a potty training 3 year old, who innocently told me, "I'm helping you hold it, Mommy. I'll help you hold it, so you don't poo or pee your pants." that's a little helper.

I guess, I will forgive her for groping me.


Tami Anderson said...

This post didn't even come close to ending the way I thought it was going to!

So cute!

Rachel said...

LOL! Totally didn't see that one coming!

Chastina said...

LOL! Thanks for the laugh.

Ree says: "Is that Emma? She's so cute."

K says: "Emma Parke! Emma Parke!" as he is dancing around.

K said...

Wow. What an odd story. But what kindness -. This is very dear.

mistyc0x said...


mommy's little helper.

does she have a shirt that says that? she needs one. and WE will all know what it really means...


Rob and Marseille said...

lol...cute and funny!

Mari said...

Awww, how thoughtful and quite funny too. new follower here btw. have a Happy New Year.