Tuesday, June 7, 2011


If you are reading this then my gamble was successful. I have been experiencing technical difficulties with my computer that involve weird noises and smoke! Obviously, I have been hesitant to use it, and have been using my e-reader for the majority of my electronic communication. But, as amazing as it is, it can't do everything (or at least very well) so if I successfully post these few kid-isms you'll know that my computer worked without creating a campfire in my lap!

Yeah, I'm still going to have it checked out. Sorry, no smores for you.

Dallin Said...

"We had a substitute in library today, so we went outside and drew pictures with sidewalk chalk. But she wouldn't let us write words- not even Jimmer or BYU, so I just drew a bunny with 2 chainsaws."

"Dad, did they even have cars in Spain when you were on your mission?"

"Mom, I need a picture of myself to put in my room."


While hiking up the mountain on the trail to the 'Y'- "Why don't they get rid of all these rocks?"

*Singing what he learned in Primary* "Praise to the Man who commuted with Jehovah..."

Emma's Three Sense

"I think Daddy should be the prophet when he grows up....no, no, the ice cream man!"

Emma: "Have you always been a mommy?"
Me: "No. I became a mommy after I grew up and married daddy."
Emma: "And then you moved here and I came to your porch?"
In my head- "Yeah, something like that. Something just like that...


Chastina said...

How cute! I'm glad you didn't end up with a campfire in your lap....even though I love s'mores.

PMC said...

i loved this post almost as much as smores. smores...oh how i love smores....

ah well. maybe next time you use the computer you can make em'.....sigh....smores....

oh yeah. and your kids are SO STINKIN' FUNNY.

Rob and Marseille said...

lol! cute!

Anonymous said...

A few of these had me smiling.

But wait, there's no Ashton-isms?

K said...

I laughed out loud. It's amazing to kind of peel back the veil and get a glimpse of the way kids organize the world in their heads. Also a touch scary - but hey, that's what mother's are for, right? And why they are allowed by heaven to get any sleep at all. So that when small people wander up to their porches, they can grab them and keep them safe forever.

K said...

Oh, fetch. MOTHERS. MOTHERS are for. I stuck a possessive apostrophe in there. WHY THE HECK DID I DO THAT??? Don't ANYBODY ever do that. Hitting head against wall. (I know - nobody cares - but somebody's got to maintain the purity of the language.)