It has felt so good to blog again. With the kids back in school I've felt like I've finally had some time and the brain cells to put a coherent sentence together. It has been therapeutic to put the ever present dialogue in my head down on virtual paper once again.
But of course, there must always be opposition. Opposition isn't always bad. There are always those good things we are asked to do that oppose the things we would like to do. You know the good, better, best scenario.
Well, I've found myself in that place again this last week. Much like I found myself there a majority of the spring and summer. You may notice that my blog reflects that July did not even exist. But this week was also a time of reminiscing and reflection for me. And with reflection comes learning. I have been reminded that my memory is quick to forget. Events and experiences not written down find their way falling through the cracks of my memory. Lost and forgotten, sometimes irretrievable. Other times, they are just filed away waiting to be retrieved at another time.
As I was reminded of forgotten events and times over the last week I mourned not remembering them, not having them written down. Sure, now I can record them, but now they are just a date and time; the thoughts and feelings are gone. Saddened, I was determined to not let it happen again
So as I looked at my blog and thought about all the things that occurred over the summer that I wanted to have written down I felt overwhelmed as how to record them all. Not wanting to miss one, I opened up my Word file marked "blog posts" and sure enough, there they were- filed away waiting for retrieval. Some are just titles, some are paragraphs, and some are nearly finished. All are awaiting the details that make them more than just a date and time. All are awaiting the details that make it a memory.
I am going to do my best to make it through that file before the details fall through the cracks and don't seem worth recording anymore. I promise you, July will be added back to my calendar and a memory filled month it will be.
Happy March!!
2 days ago
While reading this, I felt as though you were talking right to me about my summer. I don't want to loose my feelings of the fun times we had, yet a lot of those feeling are gone. In fact today I had to go back and read your post about the poky 10k to help get some of those feelings back. If only I could stop the clock for just one hr. maybe I could get caught up.
At least you took the time to record the basics!
I feel much the same way with that Microsoft document, however, with the closure of summer my time is now far more limited in the worlds of blogging.
Here's to 'filling in the gaps.'
Guest- If I had as many kids as you do during the day I would never blog again. Your energies are directed elsewhere right now and it is completely understandable that your blogging decreases. At least, we always have Tuesday to look forward to. :)
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