Whatever it was, he seems to have little Miss M's heart in a flutter.
This is the second time Miss M has "taken a shot" (his words, not mine) at him. The first was in December in the form of a note thrown into his desk during read aloud that read, "Will you be my boyfriend?" Back then he was honestly in a conundrum, with the What-do-I-do?-Girls-still-have-cooties! panic in his voice.
Yesterday, it was a whole different story.
He told me that, "This time there was just no getting out of it and he thought he was just going to have to say yes." This statement was said with the I'm-trying-to-make-it-sound-like-this-is the-worst-thing-in-the-world-because-you-are-my-mom-so-I-am-suppressing-the-excitement tone emanating from his words.
It is a little crushing to realize you are not the only girl in your little man's world anymore.
I know the hormones are changing; I can smell them when I stand close or not-so close, to him at the end of the day, but I'm not sure I was ready for this. Not girls. Not at 11 years old. I was born boy crazy, but I figured boys, especially my boys, would be impervious to cupid's arrow; and so my naiveté' rears it's ugly head again.
But this morning as I walked him to his appointed door where Miss M and his friends were waiting, he still gave me that arm around my waist sideways hug and I thought...I'm still number one...
At least, for a little while longer.
Well, what girl would NOT want him for a Valentine!!! He sure looks different with his spiked hair. Try to get one with more of a smile for me! Now we can see those chocolate brown eyes! Tell him its o.k. to say "No" to girls until he returns from his mission - unless its just "friends." Tell him to not break the other's hearts by choosing just one yet! G-ma
He IS mighty handsome. Good luck with that!
A love note eh? Cracks me up when Mr. M calls them love notes. Check the box yes or no. :D
Sigh. What's a mom to do?
I've been "dealing" with "boyfriends" since Ree was in kindergarten. Now that she is almost 10 I'm getting more concerned. I hope I'm ready for this.
By the way, Miss Na still talks about Landon(sp?).
Thumbelina had a boy in 3rd grade who drew pictures of he as Harry Potter and her as Hermione, floating on brooms & holding hands in front of the temple. I put a stop to that, pronto. It involved tears and the actual words, "you don't understand!" but she did finally tell him she could only have friends, no boyfriends, until she was 20.
The next day, he was drawing pictures of another girl... such is young love.
Oh my gosh Gerb I am splitting a gut at the image you just drew! That is funny!!
love it. He is handsome and I do love that hair. Like gma said, you can see his brown eyes now. The girl thing though, holy cow. I have not really had that issue yet. or at least they don't tell me about it. good luck with that!
It's funny how boys at that age react to girls! At least Ashton will still give you a hug in public. Tyler acts like I'M the one with cooties when his friends are around!
Mom, I'm just going to dress him in a gunny sack and lock him in his room! Sound familiar...
Tami, Thanks. I need all the help I can get.
Rachel, I remember those 'box' love notes...How come they stop after you get married?
Chastina, I'm afraid I was very much like Ree. I probably drove Colby Leigert's mom crazy; bless her heart.
That is too funny about Na & Landon! He must have made quite the impression on her. Wouldn't it be crazy if they actually did get together in the years to come? Ah, fairy tales...
Gerb, Harry, Hermoine, & the temple...Only in Provo. I love it! But really, what a little Cassanova!
Shaleece, His teacher told him he would give him ?# of bonus bucks if he came to school on Monday with his hair short enough to spike, so that is what he did. He hasn't spiked it since. i guess its better to have the 'girl' thing out in the open than hidden right?
Karen, He wouldn't hug me today. :( So I guess I'm gonna have to start hugging them goodbye before we leave for school. Don't feel bad, Dallin is the same way as Tyler- I have mommy cooties for sure!
I love this!!
How cute...thanks for the heads up on what I'm in store for with Lawson.
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