Monday, May 10, 2010

Dear Mom, My Mother's Day Apology

(The guilty parties responsible for me - my parents.)

Dear Mom,
I know this is late, so there is the first thing to apologize for. But this weekend was...crazy. I know only you could understand that. I also know you believe in  "better late than never." So here it is late.

(Oh, and it's not an apology for screwing up dinner yesterday. But I am really sorry about that too.)

I apologize...
.... for all the times I made you worry needlessly. I now know how it feels.

.... for anytime I was disrespectful and sassed you. I now know how it feels.

.... if I made a mess and didn't clean it up. I now know how it feels.

.... for the times when I didn't obey when you asked me to do something. I now know how it feels.

.... if I ever demanded anything from you when you were so tired from working all day. I now know how it feels.

.... if I ever begged for something, that you really wanted to give me, but couldn't. I now know how it feels.

.... if I changed my clothes multiple times a day creating bigger piles of laundry for you. I now know how it feels.

.... if I ever got frustrated with you for not knowing how to help me with my homework. I now know how it feels.

.... when I got upset when you were only trying to help me. I now know how it feels.

.... if you ever sacrificed so that I could have or do something that I felt was important. I now know how it feels.

.... if I ever spilled on, tracked mud on, or brushed crumbs onto your freshly mopped floor. I now know how it feels.

I am sorry, truly I am for all of these things, but I will not apologize for growing up, or leaving you to get married, or having four of the most amazing kids of my own to love because..... I now know how it feels to be a mother.

And it is the best feeling in the world.

Happy belated Mother's Day!
I love you.


Rachel said...

Wow! You did all that to your mom? I was a perfect child.....

Happy Mother's Day (belated) Natalie!

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

Tell me--are you sorry for making your mom cry when she reads this?

Alexandra said...

Oh, will your mom see this? It's fabulous!

Chastina said...

Beautiful! I hope she sees this today.

Jeanne said...

Natalie, Are Mother's supposed to cry the day after Mother's Day, too?
I am happy you are now a mother and understand, but honestly I do not remember your doing even half of what you said there! They say, "Love is blind." I was always so happy to have you as my daughter, "Dolly", Lady Bug! AND, you were and are a beautiful, loving and "good" daughter. Your dad & I have always thanked the Lord for sending you to us. I do love you and each of your brothers, too! Thank YOU for making all my days "Mother's Days." I appreciate and am enjoying my "Nobody's Home picture/Mr.Z" and my card. Your Mom always & forever! Thank you for this especially because May 10is my mother's birthday...

Jeanne said...

P.S. Thank you for making me a Grandmother! I love your four! and would love more!