Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oh Canada...

Happy Canada Day!!!

In honor of Canada being Benjamin's birth country, I am dedicating a post specifically to some of the vocabulary I picked up living there... a translator of sorts. With any luck, you may actually understand me now...

*Eh? or Eh. - Means I am asking if you agree or I'm just making a statement in general. You have to admit, it does sound more intelligent than the standard American "Huh?".

*Toque- This is simply a knitted hat, like a stocking cap. Don't ask me why it's called that, but I say it anyway.

*Washroom- When I ask where this is I don't want to use your washer & dryer just your nearest toilet.

*Sorry (pronounced "sore-y") - All I have to say about this one is that I'm really sawree.  

*Girlfriend- When I talk about "my girlfriend" I mean just that- a girl that is a friend. Remember, I am happily married to a man.

*"I'll phone you."- When I use this or a phrase similar to this, I am simply stating that I will call you on the phone at a later time. It does not in any way mean that I would use the phone as some type of weapon to hit, bludgeon, or in any way cause you bodily harm. Just in case you were wondering.

There you have it.

Okay, you Hoser, take off now eh?


Teachinfourth said...

Coffee Crisp costs about a Loonie, pretty good deal eh?

Chastina said...

LOL! Thanks for that last line! I love hearing the Canadian words that have become part of your normal vocabulary.

K said...

Okay? So? It seems that I already speak some Canook? Because, eh? I knew that about the phone, eh? Yeah. But Loonie - I wish the US had that one.

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

You need to watch Strange Brew just to celebrat Canada Day. You have to be in a good place....otherwise, major headache!

Rachel said...

:D Canada....MT.....we speaketh the same language.

Ty n Casey's Mom said...

Hahaha! Loved this post -- and I love the word "hoser." hehe