Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dallin Said...

Lately, I cannot believe my 7 year old. It's like he's been possessed... in a good way. Dallin is known for being shy and sweet, but lately we have discovered he also has a humorous and somewhat wild side. He has been making us smile, cracking us up right and left, and at the end of the day it seems like I am always telling Richard, "Guess what Dallin said..." or asking him to remind me about something off-the-wall Dallin said.

There were many more than I have here. I wish I had recorded them all, but I didn't.

I will try to do better.

Without further ado, Welcome to "Dallin Said".

" You better have washed that really good. I don't want a single strain of strawberry DNA on it."

"We need to get another tramp or a swing set with a hot tub on it, because our backyard doesn't have any PI-ZAAAZ!

To Emma while cuddling after just waking up- "Emma, you'll always be my very best friend forever.... at least right now."

To Ashton- "Well you're gonna go bald, 'cause you're from dad's side of the family."

To me during a conversation where he was informed that since I am a woman I grow hair under my arms- just like men- only I shave every day. Don't ask me how we got on that topic because I couldn't tell you, but Dallin said, "You have hair growing in your armpits?!? What... Are you on drugs or something!?! 


Teachinfourth said...

I love the bald line to Ashton…I'm sure it's exactly what he wanted to hear about.

Dallin is killing me with some of this stuff. I hope you keep up this little idea for posting in the future.

Rachel said...

What a punk! He reminds me of Mr. C. So quiet no one realizes how hysterical they can be. Mr. C has 'thee' funniest sense of humor. I remember when he started much like Dallin to say things that had us rolling.

I'm with Uncle Rush. Keep em' coming. These are great. Poor Ashton......... :D

Unknown said...

Whew-eee. Sounds like my Law-man. I was keeping a notebook by the phone for recording Lawson-isms. And then I had to start jotting stuff down in the car while I was driving, which turned out not to be such a good thing. I just gave up and started laughing.

Hope you have better luck than I did.

Jeanne said...

Love those GRAND-kids! Interesting how Dallin's thinking comes out when put into words! And, not to everyone's appreciation!

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

To Emma while cuddling after just waking up- "Emma, you'll always be my very best friend forever.... at least right now."

Spoken try a true 7-year-old. That had me laughing!

K said...

I love the way they have awakened and combine a slightly wider awareness of the world with a slightly wider vocabulary. It throws our grown-upness into a sort of relief, and makes me wonder if, to our HF, our solemn pronouncements are just as odd and endearing.

K said...

And Lyndee - it sounds like a true MALE.

Richard & Natalie said...

TF, Luckily, Ashton laughed instead of belting him.

As long as he keeps saying them I will keep posting them. You can bet on it.

Rachel, Punk is right. I guess Quiet Riot is too.

Lori, I had a page I was writing them on while we were on vacation which got thrown away. Sad day. I've taken a cue from some of the great bloggers and now have a notebook to jot them down in.

Mom, I refer you to my reply to TF.

Lyndee, I would say he's fickle, but I really can see them being BFFs.

K, I'm sure that HF has a whole file labeled "stupid and funny stuff Natalie says". In fact, I would almost garauntee it.

Corine Moore said...

I can certainly appreciate the joy a mother feels when her "shy" one(s) start opening up! Cool!! And it's great to see that sense of humor developing, too. Way to document! :D